Monday, September 12, 2011

Women of Faith

I knew I needed to recharge my physical batteries, but I didn't realize how badly I needed to recharge my soul.   I was getting physically, mentally, and spiritually tired.  And it was starting to make my cranky.  If there's one thing I can't stand in myself, it's crankiness.  So it was on a whim - a somewhat tired whim - that I applied to be a BookSneeze Blogger for Women of Faith.  I really wasn't planning ahead too much when I applied. And I was totally shocked and grateful when I was chosen. 

I had kind of stayed away from Women of Faith before, not because I think there's anything wrong or bad about it.  I stayed away merely because I had this idea in my head that it was a hand-holding, Kumbaya-singing, cry-your-eyes-out kind of estrogen fest.  And with three small children in my household, there are plenty of tears - many of them mine!  It just didn't sound like my cup of tea - I much prefer coffee.   But when BookSneeze gave me 2 free tickets in exchange for a little blog post, I decided it was worth a try.  

I grabbed a friend, told her I had a ticket with her name on it, and away we went.  I was pleasantly surprised with the opening worship.  No Kumbaya to be heard!  It was actually current, beautiful, worship music with a little bit of an edge to it - something you'd hear on the radio, not around a camp fire.  And the team was dressed in purple and black (my favorite colors).  They rocked.  I was hooked.  This was totally not like I had imagined. 

What really got me were the speakers.  I loved how they stood up and honestly shared their life stories - the good, the bad, and everything in between.  They shared how God loved them.  They shared how He showed up.  And they shared how God loves us.  They laughed at themselves and cried real tears when they shared their hurts and sorrows.  I was moved by their authenticity, their transparency, and their compassion. I admit, I did cry.  And I laughed.  And I sang.  And I was completely caught off guard by how much I needed to hear that God loves me.  After all, I know God loves me. I've known it since I was a little girl.  But I guess we're never too grown up to hear it again.  And again.  And again.  

Thank you, Sheila Walsh, Lucy Swindoll, Angie Smith, Lisa Harper, Nicole Johnson, Mary Mary, and Natalie Grant for sharing your heart, your thoughts, and your soul.  I feel re-energized, excited to see where God is going to meet me and use me, and ready to care for my little flock of children.  And thank you BookSneeze, for convincing me to go!  

I hope I have the opportunity to blog about the event again next year.  And my friend and I are already planning to attend Women of Faith Philly in 2012.  Guess we better warn our husbands now..... 

Learn more about Women of Faith at   Sign up to be a BookSneeze blogger at  

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Worship at Women of Faith

Refreshing time of worship.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tomorrow I'll be leaving my three little ones in the tender care of my darling husband.  I'll leave the house as the  sun peeks over the trees and join a dear friend in Philly for the Women of Faith Conference.  I'm looking forward to a time of getting a way, enjoying my friend's company, and getting refreshed.  I need it!

 I know the sacrifice that my hubby is making so I can go.  And I'm really not excited about getting up before the sun, knowing I'll have been up most of the night feeding a baby and changing diapers.  And I always get nervous trying to find my way around Philly.  But I know it will all be worth it when I come back tired but renewed.  I'm looking forward to telling you all about it!  For now, you can visit and see what its all about!

Monday, September 5, 2011

September Sale!

From now until September 9th, get 20% off my book, Clef Hangers! 
Shop at and enter code September at checkout.   


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