Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stay up to date on the latest styles in the Lehigh Valley!  Please read my latest article in Lehigh Valley Family  on page 21.  Thanks!

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

The changing face of makeup.

I have a confession to make.  I can't bear to leave my house without makeup.  Not for any reason, really.  In fact, I probably channel a little bit of inner 1950's housewife.  Not that I can in any way, shape, or fitted dress come close to being like a modern day June Cleaver (cook, clean, vacuum?  ugh), but I do feel a need to get myself up and put together before my family wakes up.  I just don't feel complete unless my hair, makeup, and clothes are done.  Even more so, I don't feel beautiful.  I wear makeup everywhere.  If I could, I would sleep in it the night before so that I could just jump out of bed and look beautiful.  (But we all know that causes pimples, so I'll just move on...)

It got me really thinking about how easily we can change our 'outside.'  How do you change your makeup and hair based on what mood you're in when you wake up in the morning?  Or based on what you're doing that day?  I might wear something conservative for Meet the Teacher, but I might go a little wild with eye shadows when I'm going to be home all day on a Saturday.  You should have seen the peacock green eye shadow this week!  (The best time to test out new techniques is when you're not in a rush, trust me on that).  If I was a going to the gym kind of girl, I'd probably wear very light, natural makeup, but a bit of makeup nonetheless. 

The instant that I want to be more beautiful, or more glam, or more edgy on the outside, all it takes is a bit of makeup and a mirror.  A few minutes out of my day, at best.  Wish it were so simple to change on the inside!  Oh, I have great intentions and think, "Today I am going to be more patient with_____" or "Today I am going to listen to God's voice" or "be more loving towards my spouse" but the truth is, it's not that easy.  Inner change is painfully slow and too often a result of something we'd rather not experience in the first place.  External change takes a little work; internal change takes a lot.  It takes a lot of time, prayer, and Bible.  We have a saying in my house:  change is good. But being beautiful from the inside out is even better.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.  1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV

Hair tips for today! 
Is your hair oily? 
Fun hairstyles for cheap
Avoid these summer hair mistakes

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good morning to all my beautiful friends!  It's a gorgeous day outside!  Even though its not too hot, remember to put on your sun screen every day to prevent skin cancer and (gasp) premature aging.   Mineral powder is a great way to get a natural sunscreen. 

By now, you know that I love all things beauty and fashion, but there is something that is even more important than how we look.  I absolutely think we should take pride in our appearance, but its pretty meaningless unless we first look at our hearts.  Today, I'm thinking about the condition of my heart - what areas of my heart need to be made beautiful?  What areas are just downright ugly? A face can be made beautiful with makeup, but it takes a lot more to change the condition of a heart.  Next time you touch-up your make up, take a second to think about how your heart looks, also.  If you could look at your heart in the mirror, would you like what you see?  

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Sam, 16:7, NIV)

Beauty Tips for today!

Beauty Guru: The top treasures in a cosmetologist's makeup bag.  Check out what I carry in my makeup bag.  Tell me, what's in yours? 

Guide to Office Makeup Touchups When you need to touch up your makeup at the office.

The Best Eyebrow Wax Keep your eyebrows looking beautiful! 

Have a beautiful day! 


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