Friday, November 20, 2015

Free Sheet Music for Thanksgiving

Like a blur, Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us. And between the ilk and ire of Halloween and the bigness and busyness of the Christmas season, the season of thankfulness gets lost on me.  I see my friends 30 days of thankfulness posts of Facebook, and I think, oh how nice! But I haven't taken the time to make my own.

One day is not enough to be thankful for all that God has given us, is it? I know that I need to be more consistently cultivating an attitude of thankfulness, contentment, and gratitude. I know the journey leads to joy, so why I am stuck along the road with this flat tire from greed and "if only...?" 

I am thankful for many things - and I know I need to slow down and appreciate them, rather than rushing off to the next shopping expedition. I know I need to write it down, so I can remember them the next time I feel stressed, or worried, or I don't know what my future holds. I know I need to share them with my children, so they can learn to be thankful. I know I need to share it with my church, so they know I am grateful for them. 

A friend showed me this terrific little book - it's a great place to start looking for gratitude, or a great gift to give a friend who could use a little love. It's called 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.(Yes, I get an itty bitty commission if you purchase the book here - so thank you!).  

If you need something for your worship set, or special music, or a super easy song for your choir to learn, check this out. It's a little tune I wrote many years ago, and it's a quick learn for choirs big or small: Oh, Lord How I've Been Blessed. 

A limited number of folks can download it for free here:Oh, Lord How I've Been Blessed 
But if you really love me, you can spend $1.25 here, and make as many copies as you need for your church: Oh Lord, How I've Been Blessed

Happy Thanksgiving! 
May your turkey be tasty and your rolls be buttery, but most of all, may you know the loving presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

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