Thursday, January 13, 2011

What to do....

If you are underdressed for a special event.

It's happened to me. I attended the wedding of one of my husband's coworkers, and discovered, on my arrival, that I was seriously underdressed. I certainly wasn't dressed like a slouch; I was wearing a

sleeveless sweater dress with a matching jacket, hose, and (some say) sexy, high heeled boots. After all, it was frigid outside and I don't like to be cold. I figured I was dressed perfectly fine for a cold, winter wedding. Then I was surprised, slightly amused, and rather disappointed to discover it was a black tie /suit event. Most folks couldn't have cared less about what I was wearing. It just wasn't that important. But there were a few snide remarks and sideways glances that told me that somebody cared. I spent the evening chatting with the people who didn't care and avoiding the people who did. I still had a good time, and five plus years later, I'm pretty sure the only person who actually remembers And I've only thought about it enough to share the event with you, so you know what to do if it happens to you.

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