Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Be a guardian angel.

I don't feel like I have a lot to brag about.  My house is not fancy, nor is it big. In fact, I find it a little embarrassing at times.  I don't wear designer clothes.  My idea of fine dining is a few appetizers at Applebees.  I'm just a regular, ordinary person.  But if I stop comparing myself to the other folks in town, and instead, look at the rest of the world, I'm a lot embarrassed.  I have so much.  My kids don't lack for toys, clothes, or food.  They barely know what it feels like to be hungry.  They're never alone.  I often think our budget is so tight, but their stockings will still be stuffed to overflowing on Christmas morning, the heat will be on, the coffee brewing, and Santa will have eaten his cookies and left plenty of presents behind.  And we won't even talk about the feast that Daddy and PopPop are planning to prepare.

Come to think of it, I often drive through a nearby city, with my windows tightly rolled up in my minivan, the doors locked, the Christmas music blaring, and the kids eating snacks in the back.  I am secluded from the poverty - this city I drive through is the most impoverished city in the United States.  I see it several times a week.  And I lock myself away, protecting myself from its pain and brokenness.  I busy myself with my own family so I don't have to take notice.

And then I get an email about Hope for AIDS Orphans.  Millions of children in Africa have been orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.  They have no food.  No shelter.  No clothes.  And no one to love them.  I can't imagine my little ones without a mommy to give them love, and it breaks my heart.  In steps Hope for AIDS Orphans.  They have a mission to feed, clothe, shelter, and love these impoverished children.  They want to share the love of Jesus with them.  And we can help.  A small donation will go far in helping these children.  Compared to the cost of Christmas toys or books or videos, the amount it takes to rescue a child in need is so small.

Want to help?  Here's how.
You can Express Your Care by signing the Angel Mosaic.
You can Share Their Story by sending a short video to friends.
You can Give Them Hope with a donation of any size.  Every little bit can help.

Please take a moment and share the Christmas spirit - and God's never failing love - with the children who need it so much.  You can be their Guardian Angel during a time when they need it most.  Thank you. 

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